
Kali Boehle-Silva

Collections 19: songs

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hi. I'm so glad you're here.

I've been thinking lately about what gets us through difficult times, which seem to be nearly everywhere these days. My beloveds and I have been sending songs back and forth recently, saying everything from "this made me think of you" to "*ahem* maybe you need to hear this" to "here's something thing I don't quite have words for."

1. In these fall days I find myself playing this song on repeat - as I tend to the house, or walk along the creek, or build a fire. (I wonder what it means to love like love's no loss.)

2. Another love song from the great Tracy Chapman. I've been practicing reconnecting to my biological family this spring and summer and fall; and it has me thinking a lot about how we love across distance, across time, across and through and between and within our differences; and what it is we mean by love when we say it, and how we know.

3. As someone who often finds themself wandering around asking "why is this like this," I like listening to this song's chorus over and over (translated into english below):

Tell me why it may be
Tell me where you are going
Tell me where we are from
Tell me, tell me
And tell me why it may be
Tell me where we are
Tell me why

4. Another slow song I can't stop listening to (maybe you also need to hear someone say they don't mind waiting on you, in this culture so full of hurry and timeliness <3 ).

(And if you want to join me in replaying these over and over, you can find the whole list of songs, plus a few others, here.)

I'm curious, what's getting you through these days? What songs are on repeat for you?

So much love from the creeks,


PS: If you're on Instagram these days, you've probably seen that I've made a deck! I'm currently taking pre-orders until November 14th. More info and order link can be found here!

Interested in learning about my work? You can reply to this email, check out my website, & support my writing via patreon.

You can find my previous emails here.

Kali Boehle-Silva

Writing, questions, and meaning-making for late-stage capitalism + collapse.

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