
Kali Boehle-Silva

Collections 21: a collection of changes

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hi. I'm so glad to be writing this email to you. I'm currently on the northern florida coast, staying a few weeks with beloveds who rented a house here. It's a wild place - the beaches are full of rocks worn into curving shapes by thousands and millions of years of water. The first day we were here my partner and I saw a snake on the boardwalk, and halfway through last week there was a whole day where thousands of dragonflies hovered over the beach. A strange place, in which I notice I feel strange, too.

I wake up in the mornings and take slow walks through the rocks and waves on the beach. It feels fitting to be here, moving through this shoreline landscape that changes every day, as I move through and into the landscape of my body after surgery. These past 6 weeks have felt like meeting myself again - reconnecting with my much younger selves, who for the past ten years had felt far away, a little bit inaccessible. Reconnecting with play, and pleasure, and inspiration, which for many reasons have also felt a bit inaccessible over the last 4 years.

There are some things emerging from this time, including many tiny nudges to be a bit more visible and clear about the work I'm feeling called to offer these days - on nonbinary approaches and how they can help all of us move through the constriction and compression of capitalism and other systems of domination.

All of that to say, this will be my last collections email to you. I have been so grateful for this space over the past two years, to consider the relationships between seeminly unrelated objects, to write small notes on various things, and to have a record of a huge amount of transition. When I started writing these emails I was living by the Susquehanna river, and continued to write them through nearly 10 months of not having a steady place to live, then another 10 months of rooting into a new place and new community. I have felt for a while that it is time to shift my writing into a different container, and these last six weeks have intensified that pull.

I will be continuing to write monthly emails over on substack, on binaries and nonbinary approaches - I'd love to have you over there with me (there's a forever free tier) and you can sign up here (or just reply to this email and let me know you want to be added to the list).

I'm also still around for anticapitalist coaching - and these days I'm acknowledging more directly the ways my coaching is rooted in nonbinary approaches - supporting people in learning to recognize and practice the possibliity of both/and/neither/and-so-much-else.

There's so much more I want to say to you, but I have worked to keep these collections emails short (ish), so I will just say, again: thank you. Your attention and reflections are a gift I have received over and over here, and I am grateful you've shared them with me over these last few years.

Sending you much love from the creeks,


Interested in learning about my work? You can reply to this email, check out my website, & support my writing via patreon.

You can find my previous emails here.

Kali Boehle-Silva

Writing, questions, and meaning-making for late-stage capitalism + collapse.

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